1. The Fees
The fee is the compensation for the intellectual work performed by the lawyer.
This fee is calculated based on hourly performance. The standard hourly rate is €175.00 per hour excluding VAT, unless otherwise agreed. The hourly rate may be agreed upon at a range of €150.00 per hour to €300.00 per hour, depending on factors such as the importance of the case, the responsibility involved, urgency, and will be increased by 21% VAT.
The hourly rate applies to all staff members of the firm.
At the beginning of the case, an advance payment is requested, taking into account the expected interventions. During the course of the case, advances are requested for services already rendered or to be rendered, or interim statements are made.
To ensure maximum transparency, a detailed record of services rendered is kept for each case.
Upon request, interim cost and fee statements can be provided regularly, and a final account will be prepared upon conclusion of the case.
We strive to give the client insight into the expected cost as much as possible in advance, based on our past experience in similar cases. However, in litigation, certain developments are difficult or impossible to predict, so any estimate is made with reservation.
Waiting times and travel duration: €75.00 per hour excluding VAT.
Specific arrangements may be made for collection cases, depending on the volume of cases and amounts recovered.
2. The Costs (excluding 21% VAT)
The costs refer to the actual material expenses associated with the lawyer's intervention and the office infrastructure.
The calculation of expenses is based on various external studies and analyses conducted within the office itself.
The costs for "general secretarial expenses", "correspondence", and "information processing, telephone, fax, copies" include a contribution to the development and maintenance of the IT network, salaries of administrative staff, building maintenance, utilities, as well as specific costs related to postage, such as paper, printing, and mailing fees.
The following costs will be charged (subject to 21% VAT):
Opening/closing of the case file: €175.00
Correspondence per page: €12.00
Typing (conclusions, petitions, drafts of summons, agreements, etc.) per page: €12.00
Copies: €0.50 per piece
Travel costs per kilometer: €0.50
Bailiff: the costs of serving and delivering summonses must be paid directly and in advance to the bailiff based on their rates. The bailiff will only perform services once payment has been received.
Court fees are the fees payable to the courts based on the legal rates.
Miscellaneous: additional expenses such as translations, extra travel costs, interventions of external experts.
An additional amount of 10% of the total costs may be charged for costs incurred after the file is closed.